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"Scratch My Back, I'll Scratch Yours...."

The Small Business Administration has been an entrepreneurial resource for numerous business owners worldwide.

According to CNBC, Donald Trump has Linda McMahon, co-founder of pro-wrestling company, WWE.

McMahon, 68, recently gave $6 million to a pro-Trump Super Pak.

President-elect Trump states McMahon is to "bring back our jobs and roll back the burdensome regulations that are hurting our middle class".

Wait, hold up... We thought the Small Business Administration were to assist and aid in entrepreneurship? When did the Small Business Administration have a "compression" on the middle class? Better yet, is it the middle class seeming burdensome?

Meanwhile, McMahon expresses "wanting to increase small businesses, for they're the largest source of job creation".

How come you didn't invest the $6 million contributed to Trump's Super Pak into small businesses?


In 2010 and 2012, McMahon unsuccessfully contended for U.S. Senate in Connecticut. The billionaire co-founder spent nearly $100 millions on two campaigns.

What the --- ... Now you want to help small businesses owners - do what? Lose money. Small business owners have LESS to spend and wish to have MORE resources to keep their doors open.

The connection between Trump and McMahon stems from previous dealings (interesting dealings, we bet) with the WWE and is a member of their Hall of Fame.

This doesn't seem to be a political move that is going to embed difference towards progress. It seems more of a political gesture that completes the textbook phrase "You scratch my back, Ill scratch yours."

We will keep our eyes close to this story. For more info on McMahon and Trump regarding SBA, read here.

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